Bridge to the future

Whether you are new to social media marketing or are trying to revisit your strategy the Rebel Visions team can provide you trusted advice that can help you increase your conversion funnel. Social media marketing should bring eyes back to your focal point on the Internet, not just add content to a single platform.

Social Media

Social media can be overwhelming at times. There are so many platforms to use, like Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and what seems like a plethora more. Not to mention, each platform has its own nuances and requires a respective strategy for your success. Your Rebel Visions team will work with you to determine which platforms match your brand strategy and demographics.

Our team will work with you to identify the desired results and create a strategy and matching implementation plan to best achieve the desired goal. We will help to create the key performance indicators so we can measure success as we go along the journey. Once the ideal platforms are determined we also identify the ideal times to post or your products and services. In addition to our strategic services, we will bring our copywriting, creative and technology to complete the work ahead.

The actual goal of social media marketing is not to improve your sales. It is to build an army of people who will promote your brand for free. Ultimately, the hope is to turn them into raving brand advocates that will constantly push people your way.

The Five Stages

There are five main stages of brand awareness also known as the conversion funnel:

  1. Awareness - this is where you pull visitors in; just like a good relationship it takes time to build
  2. Interest - creating engaging content on your site, including products and service; having a great user experience on your website plays into this, too
  3. Desire - desire comes from trust and trust is built when people are educated about your offerings
  4. Engagement - until now, no significant sales have happened, but this is when it does; this is when desire turns into engagement
  5. Advocacy - this is the ultimate goal in the conversion funnel; customers turned evangelists as they continue to enjoy the overall experience of your products or services

Our trust advisory services will work with you to create or optimize your conversion funnel. This entails analyzing your overall marketing process and creating a social media strategy that makes sense for the brand and its goals. The Rebel Visions team is skilled at helping you translate that strategy into an actionable implementation plan that makes sense. We further work with your team to transfer the knowledge necessary to take control of the implementation or even create measurements should you need us to manage that implementation on an ongoing basis.

Of all the companies that will vie for your business, Rebel Visions is the only company that actually owns a social media platform, Rebel Vino, and we will use that knowledge and experience to earn your business.
