Rebel Visions Articles

  Aug 11, 2021

I am here to give you tools that can help you move forward in business or your career. In this article we are discussing time limits.

You have to understand your time limits when dealing with prospective clients. You need to keep the various stages of the sales process within acceptable parameters. For example, you do not want to spend an hour on the phone with someone during the initial phase unless your line of business calls for a longer duration in order to gather the necessary information. The information you gather should include timeframe, what the decision-making process is, who the decision-maker is, whether they have a budget, etc.

Further reading

Video Content

  Aug 11, 2021

Whether you want to or not, video is a huge piece of any marketing strategy. More platforms are moving to video and away from plain images. Do whatever you have to do, but step up your video game and use them across the platforms that fit your marketing strategy.

Achieving Your Goals

  Aug 11, 2021

Previously, I released a video that spoke about planning your journey. In this video I talk a little bit more about understanding the details you will need for that journey. Not only should you be creating a list of tasks, but you should be getting details around those tasks, so you are specific in ...


  Aug 11, 2021

Why are so many people afraid of competition? When a big competitor enters a new market a lot of smaller players in that market immediately enter panic mode. Why? Instead of panicking why not step up your game?! You need to get a better idea of who your customers are and why this new player thinks t...