Rebel Visions Articles

  Aug 11, 2021

Some people know the business they are in. The question is do they know the personality of their business? Do they understand who they are selling to? Do they know why they are selling to them? Do they know the difference between selling and building relationships?

This is why you need to know what your business brand is. Listen to this quick tip and learn why you need to gain a better understanding and even develop your business brand.

Later on, I will touch on the difference between your personal brand and your business brand.

Further reading

Content Creators 2

  Aug 11, 2021

Content creators to be successful, content creators should incorporate more than a single platform as they grow their reach. If you are a content creator, you know the painstaking process of creating and sharing content.One of the many features of Rebel Reach and Rebel Vino is the direct integration...

Platform Choice

  Aug 11, 2021

One of most important things you can do is get started with social media marketing. That said, it is important to know which social media platforms best suit your strategic objective.Some platforms lend themselves to growing the number of followers for one-way communication. Other platforms are used...

Permanent Pivot

  Aug 11, 2021

The pandemic has wreaked havoc across businesses of all sizes. That said, small businesses have suffered the most. Many have gone out of business. Those that have not found a pivot. Something that has created revenue stream to at least partially replace the one that was lost during lockdown.In this ...