Rebel Visions Articles

  Aug 11, 2021

Some people know the business they are in. The question is do they know the personality of their business? Do they understand who they are selling to? Do they know why they are selling to them? Do they know the difference between selling and building relationships?

This is why you need to know what your business brand is. Listen to this quick tip and learn why you need to gain a better understanding and even develop your business brand.

Later on, I will touch on the difference between your personal brand and your business brand.

Further reading

Information Hubs

  Aug 11, 2021

U​se your knowledge and expertise to create a space for people to come to your site and learn more about what they are seeking. You can then couple that with how your products or services can be the solution.

Get it in Gear!

  Aug 11, 2021

There are so many people out there offering words of inspiration and motivation. It is my quest to help people actually get it in gear and get things done. Watch the video and make your move!

Achieving Your Goals

  Aug 11, 2021

Previously, I released a video that spoke about planning your journey. In this video I talk a little bit more about understanding the details you will need for that journey. Not only should you be creating a list of tasks, but you should be getting details around those tasks, so you are specific in ...