Rebel Visions Articles

  Aug 11, 2021

As you continue to review your marketing efforts you start to realize just how hard the work is. Then you multiply that work by the number of platforms you have to market on. Then it gets even better as you contemplate the nuances of each platform. Not to mention the costs involved.

Wouldn't it be great to have a tool that enables you to update your website and then have that shared across multiple platforms without the extra effort? Well, our Rebel Reach and Rebel Vino platforms can both help you streamline your social media processes. Listen to this video and learn how we do it.

Further reading

Business Burnout

  Aug 11, 2021

Everyone has heard of being burnt out. In this video I discuss business burnout and how you can avoid it!

Platform Choice

  Aug 11, 2021

One of most important things you can do is get started with social media marketing. That said, it is important to know which social media platforms best suit your strategic objective.Some platforms lend themselves to growing the number of followers for one-way communication. Other platforms are used...

Tenacity and Drive

  Aug 11, 2021

An example of sticking with it. The idea of not stopping just because you get a little bit of resistance. You have to listen to who you are speaking with and find out what they are looking for or identify an opportunity for what you are trying to get across to them. Understand what they want or need...