Rebel Visions Articles

  Aug 11, 2021

​There is a vast difference between popularity versus true influence. There are a lot of popular people out there. Some with hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers. That demonstrates a tremendous amount of reach. My perspective is just because you can reach a whole lot of people it doesn't mean you can influence them.

Further reading

Influencer Marketing

  Aug 11, 2021

I​nfluencer marketing can be a very effective marketing tactic. Review influencers that have an audience that fits into your demographic strategy. Then review their engagements to see if they are truly influencers or just people with a lot of followers. Sounds crazy, but it does make a difference. I...

Brand Development

  Aug 11, 2021

There are many elements that go into developing your brand. From colors to fonts to logo to layout and more. The importance is to create a brand and not just a business. The creation of a brand can add longevity to a business.Take a moment and listen to why building a brand is so important as you em...

Knowing Your Business

  Aug 11, 2021

How much do you really know your business? No, I don't mean just what your business does. I mean the personality of your business. What it stands for. How you conduct business. There is so much that goes into knowing one's business that it rarely gets reviewed as a whole. You must take a holistic vi...